When making a money-making business, the whole idea is to make profit. Making profit is easy, take your cost to make the good, then sell it 35% mark up and you gain profit. For lemonade, it's cheap to make a simple class. For 8 ounces, you can sell a glass for a few dollars and make $1.50 profit because just to make a single class takes $0.20 to make. There are already businesses around the world that sell lemonade, along with other food items. Hot Dog on a Stick sells corn dogs and lemonade. That's just about it.
When making a lemonade product, you want to make sure it's the best that no one could beat. You could also add different flavors, like strawberry lemonade, raspberry lemonade, orange lemonade, a limeade, or mix various fruits. Turning lemonade into slushies or icees can help business if your stuff start to get bland to customers, or make a lemonade ice cream product. Making lemonade ice cream can have that ice cream flavor and texture that everyone loves, but it has that lemon zing that keep attracting lemon pepper lovers.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
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